Monday, November 16, 2009

Bowling for Freaks

So I'm sitting here on Virgin America, 35,000 feet up in the sky, posting to my blog.

The experience can only be described as... groovy.

If you've flown Virgin, you'll know what I mean. This is my first flight on Virgin (insert Virgin "virgin" joke here). The service is impeccable, the amenities top-notch, even in coach (or the "main cabin" as the airlines like to call it).

And yet, spoiled little shit that I am, 15 minutes ago I was sitting here getting all tweaky because the interactive screen that plays the movies and music and games and TV, and lets me order food and drinks and chat with other passengers was frozen, and the wi-fi wasn't working.

Can you imagine? The wi-fi wasn't working.

Boo hoo.

How self important I am, what an sense of entitlement I feel to actually get bent out of shape because technology that wasn't even available a couple of years ago is now a little sluggish when I've got my ass in the seat.

It is amazing, it should be amazing and never stop being amazing that any of this works at all.

So for my next act, from 35,000 feet up and without a net,
I am going to download a couple of spots that I thought it might be fun to share with you.

I love the Geico ad, and I'm not ashamed to say that I love the cavemen.

Geico, (well the Martin Agency, really), has developed a brilliant strategy of running completely different campaigns, concurrently, for the same product.

Yes, yes, I know that each campaign focuses on a different feature of the brand. The googly eyes are about saving money, the cavemen about ease of use, the gecko about name recognition.

But while almost every other advertiser would attempt to cram all of these messages into the same :30 second bag, Geico and Martin don't. They create singular spots about a single idea. How refreshing.

Stories unfold. Characters are developed. Laughs ensue.

They have got that soooooo right.

Then this little gem of a Metro PCS spot, which I also love. The only thing that could make this spot better would be a talking unicorn. It's so "what the fuck-y" it can't help but break through, and it does.

But it's the location for both spots that makes them really good, I think. Why does it
feel so right for the quirky freaks in these spots to inhabit bowling alleys?

Because no matter how you tart it up, no matter how top shelf the booze you serve, or how fancy the menu, a bowling alley is still a bowling alley.

A bowling alley is the ultimate "come as you are" venue.
A place where you can be yourself. Have a few beers with a few buddies. Whoop a little bit and throw some high fives. There is no preponderance of etiquette in a bowling alley. No golf whispers. No one puts on airs.

You can accept each other, and be accepted by others, for who and what you are.

Like an alien can accept a giant. Like a neanderthal can let his inner caveman come out for a little while.

And don't forget the beer.

Ice. Cold. Beer.