Friday, October 16, 2009

You Can Make Movies!

Here's a charming little video about the vendor/client relationship.

I came across this gem while perusing the Denver Egotist. If you're not familiar with the Denver Egotist, you should check it out. It's a great blog about advertising in general, and the Denver
ad joint specifically.

Anyway, at the end of the video it says "if you can type, you can make movies."

I can type, so I went to to check it out. Here's a little something I rustled up first time out of the box.

It was fun to create and the site is super-easy to use. Just pick a scenario, then type in your script. If you select "MagicCam", the site will even pick the camera angles for you.

But we're not going to let the site pick our camera angles, are we?

Because deep down inside, the director in us knows that we could do a better job than the website. After all, we're artists, right? And here's our chance to make our commercial the way we want it, without account people and clients and directors who just don't get it sticking their noses in and fucking everything up.

Uh, did I say commercial? I meant to say video.

Heh. Yeah.


So, um, as I was saying, there are animations, expressions, sound effects and camera angles you can choose to make your film everything you want it to be. Just pick what you like and then drag and drop it in the script where you want it to be.

Then hit "preview" and viola! Your own little creation.

But wait a second, wouldn't it be better if you cut to a close up for that line?  Ooh, a fart sound effect. That would be funny.

Ok, hit preview again.

Just want to make that expression happen a word or two later.

Hit preview again.

Maybe a different music track.

Preview again.

What?  How could I possibly have been tweaking this thing for 3 hours already? 

Didn't I have some work to do today?

I hate you Xtranormal.

I love you Xtranormal.

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